Welcome to the home page of justchat.

Please note that this page is still under construction, so the quantity/quality of information that you can find here might not meet the end requirements and ideas.

JustChat is a small java applet that uses the internet connection to connect distant users to one another through the server, via the standard HTTP protocoll, using constant repetitive GET requests to handle the conenction. Thus multiple clients can communicate by exchanging messages. Most important standard chat functionality is implemented, like emotions, color, chatrooms, simple moderation, skinning and custom design, etc. JustChas is easily installable (but reuires a MySQL or PostgreSQL database engine running), and does not require any dameon installed/running on the server side.

Doanloads can be found at sourceforge.
Please Comment in the forums at sourceforge.

JustChat is completely developed by:
ignis - Boyan Filipov (mail).

JustChat Web Java Chat interface Latest news and updates:

beta 1.0 available (2003-03-26 03:26)
Ahoy, the 1.0 is here, finally, managed to find time to clear some bugs, and to write better installation. Refer to the files section to grab the .gz-ip, install is included inside.
I removed the manuals package, as its useless :(
Something else: justchat has at least 3 known implementators now, that Im in contact with - people who actually use the app live!
enjoy, and all best.

New version coming up! (2002-11-21 02:02)
There is a new version currently under development, so please come again soon, to download it. It will include a lot of changes and bugfixes, here is some of them:
1. customisable skins
2. customisable sounds
3. simple username authentication
4. simple moderations for the chat
5. specified user'smessages hiding/highlighting
6. simple private messages
- users reordering fix
- database connection problem fix
- messages frlow bug fix

more news at sourceforge.